Contact Telephone Numbers

Practice Services

Reception 0141 339 3626
Prescriptions 0141 334 2009
Fax0141 334 2399
Phlebotomy Service0141 355 1525
Central Booking Office to check your Hospital Appointment 0141 347 8850
District Nurses0141 355 2180
Health Visitors0141 211 1408
Maternity Booking Line0141 347 8422
Out to Hours/NHS 111111
MSK Physiotherapy – Change or Cancel your Appointment0141 347 8909
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service0300 123 1236
Podiatry – Self-refer and book an appointment call 0141 347 8909

NHS Hospitals/Services

Beatson Oncology Unit0141 301 7000
West Glasgow ACH0141 211 2000
Gartnavel General Hospital0141 211 3000
Gartnavel Royal Hospital0141 211 3600
Glasgow Dental Hospital0141 211 9600
Glasgow Royal Infirmary0141 211 4000
Princes Royal Maternity Hospital0141 211 5400
Royal Hospital for Sick Children0141 201 1100
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital0141 201 1100
Stobhill Hospital0141 201 3000
Victoria Infirmary0141 201 6000
Riverside Resource Centre0141 211 1430
Arndale Resource Centre0141 211 6184

Private Hospitals

BMI Ross Hall Hospital0141 810 3151
Glasgow Nuffield Hospital0141 530 1241
0808 163 6878